Leading Causes of Motorcycle Crashes in Kentucky

Motorcycles are both a convenient mode of transportation and an enjoyable hobby for Kentucky residents. However, despite the joys they can bring, motorcycles are also inherently dangerous—more than other kinds of vehicles. For this reason, motorcycle riders must take extra precautions to keep themselves and their passengers safe to avoid motorcycle crashes in Kentucky. Motorcyclists […]

How Failure to Follow Kentucky Helmet Laws Can Affect Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

In the state of Kentucky, those under 21 years of age and those who have had a motorcycle license for under a year are required to wear a helmet by law to comply with the Kentucky helmet laws. However, all individuals who ride motorcycles–as drivers or passengers–should consider the many risks associated with a lack […]

I’ve Been in A Motorcycle Accident – How Can A Personal Injury Attorney Help Me?

In Kentucky in 2016, 111 motorcyclist fatalities occurred. More than 75% of these fatalities involved riders who were not wearing helmets. Motorcyclists, no matter what their skill level, carry a higher risk of serious and fatal injuries in an accident. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says motorcyclists and their passengers are 30 times […]