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Compensation for Serious Injuries from a Forklift Accident

injuries from a forklift accident

Industries that use heavy machinery and equipment, like manufacturing, construction, agriculture, and warehousing, are some of the most dangerous industries. Every year, thousands of workers are seriously injured and even killed while working these jobs.   And one type of machinery in particular that leads to dangerous workplace accidents and injuries in the these industries is the forklift. A forklift accident can be very serious and life-threatening.

Though forklifts don’t seem that dangerous in comparison to other types of machinery, they are one of the most commonly used pieces of equipment in any industry that requires moving and transporting heavy materials. As such, a significant number of workplace injuries tend to involve forklifts. 

Many workers injured in these kinds of accidents are eligible to file for workers’ compensation benefits that can help cover their medical bills and lost wages while they are out of work and recovering. 

If you are injured in a forklift accident, one of our Kentucky workers’ compensation attorneys at McCoy & Sparks can help. We can ensure your claim is filed and dealt with as quickly as possible and ensure you are awarded the full and fair benefits you deserve for your injury. 

Forklift Accident Statistics: How Many Forklift Accidents Per Year?

Forklifts are the cause of a large percentage of workplace accidents every year. Total incidents involving forklifts are estimated to be over one million each year, but the exact number of accidents involving injuries and deaths can vary annually.

Recent statistics provided by OEA Safeguard estimate around 34,000 serious injuries from forklift accidents each year and around 61,800 non-serious injuries each year.   

Around 1 in 6 workplace deaths involve a forklift, with around 85 deaths occurring each year. 

It is estimated that employers pay nearly $1 billion per week for workers’ compensation costs related to forklift accidents in the United States. 

What is the Most Common Cause of Forklift Accidents?

Forklift accidents can happen for many reasons but are often the result of a lack of safety protocols or poor training where forklift operation is concerned. 

The number one cause of forklift accidents, coming in at 42%, is crush injuries resulting from a forklift tipping over. Some of the worst forklift accidents occur when a forklift falls on top of a worker, as this can result in severe, catastrophic injuries.

Other common causes of forklift accidents include:

  • 25%: Workers being crushed between the forklift and another surface
  • 11%: Workers being crushed between two forklifts
  • 11%: Workers being run over by a forklift
  • 8%: Workers being struck by materials falling off of a forklift
  • 4%: Workers falling from forklifts

Common Forklift Accident Injuries

The exact type of injury a worker sustains from a forklift accident can vary depending on the individual circumstances of the accident. It can depend on how exactly the accident happened, where it happened, and the person to whom it happened. 

However, the National Safety Council has provided a breakdown of the most common injuries reported in forklift accidents, which are as follows:

  • 29%: Fractures
  • 17%: Bruises and contusions
  • 17%: General pain and soreness
  • 15%: Sprains and strains
  • 10%: Other
  • 6%: Lacerations
  • 3%: Multiple traumatic injuries
  • 2%: Amputations

As forklift accidents often involve workers being crushed, either by the forklift itself or from objects falling from the forklift, many injuries also likely include crushed limbs and internal organ damage, as well as internal bleeding. Traumatic brain injuries, for example, are common when objects fall on a worker’s head or when a worker is knocked down and hits their head on the ground. 

How to Prevent Forklift Accidents

Employers are required to maintain a safe workplace for their employees. As such, it is their responsibility to ensure workers are adequately trained, that safety protocols are followed, and that equipment is regularly maintained to prevent any operational malfunctions.

According to OSHA, employers can help prevent forklift accidents by:

  1. Thoroughly training and certifying forklift operators
  2. Conducting regular safety checks
  3. Keeping up with regular forklift maintenance
  4. Providing added safety measures around docks and un-level areas
  5. Posting safety signage around the workplace
  6. Training non-forklift operators on how to behave around forklifts
  7. Providing workers with appropriate protective safety gear

Recovering Workers’ Compensation for Forklift Accident Injuries

Workers’ compensation is a no-fault benefit available to employees who become injured in the workplace. In other words, these benefits are available no matter who was at fault for the accident. 

When you file a workers’ compensation claim, you can get benefits that help you cover the cost of your medical expenses related to the workplace injury, and you can get partially compensated for the wages you miss out on while you are out of work recovering. 

However, while workers are entitled to these benefits, it is not uncommon for employers or their insurance companies to deny claims or provide fewer benefits than the worker is actually owed. As such, it is often necessary to work with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney who knows how to handle these cases. 

No set amount is provided for forklift accident injuries. Instead, your case will be carefully evaluated to determine the extent of your injuries, how long you are expected to be out of work, and how much your average weekly wage was before you were injured. A lawyer can help calculate these things to ensure that your employer’s insurance is providing you the correct amount of benefits. 

Trust McCoy & Sparks—Premier Workers’ Compensation Attorneys in Central Kentucky

At McCoy & Sparks, our forklift accident lawyers know what it takes to ensure our clients are paid the full and fair benefits they deserve for their injuries. We can help you file your claim, ensure all information is correct on your paperwork, deal with denials or appeals, and make sure your benefits are fairly calculated so you are paid the full amount you are owed. 

You owe us nothing unless we recover compensation for you. Make the right call to (844) 4KY-WINS for a risk-free consultation with one of our workers’ compensation attorneys today.