Liability in Self-Driving Car Accidents

What you will learn in this article: As technology advances, we are seeing numerous industries affected in interesting ways, and the transportation industry is no exception. Thanks to these advances, most vehicles today come equipped with some form of advanced driver assistance system (ADAS). According to the Insurance Information Institute, it is expected that there […]

How to Maximize Your Uber Accident Settlement

What you will learn from this article: Were you in an auto accident involving an Uber driver while driving in Kentucky? If so, you need to contact an experienced Kentucky automotive accident lawyer like McCoy & Sparks. As the number of rideshare services increases, so do the rates of Uber-related automobile accidents. Dealing with Uber-related […]

Common Head On Collision Injuries

What you will learn in this article: Head-on collisions are frightening accidents. We know how scary these accidents can be, and we also know how overwhelming it can be to try to recover from any car accident.  Injuries are common after car accidents, but head-on collisions are especially risky. If you were injured in a […]

Work-Related Car Accident and Workers Compensation

What you’ll learn from this article: If your job involves driving in Kentucky, understanding your rights and avenues for compensation for work-related car accidents is vital. Professional drivers, particularly those in commercial vehicles, spend significant time behind the wheel and on the clock.  Accidents happen all the time, and if you are injured by another […]

Today’s Most Effective Car Safety Features

What you’ll learn from this article: As technology advances, so do the safety features offered in everyday products—and cars are no exception. From the period between 1960 and 2012, it is estimated that 600,000 lives were saved thanks to improved safety features in cars. As it’s now 2023 and the features available in vehicles today […]

What is the Car Accident Settlement Process in Kentucky?

What you’ll learn from this article: After a Kentucky car accident, your legal case will likely end in a settlement rather than going to court. About 95% of personal injury lawsuits resolve through out-of-court agreements. Car accident settlements often make sense for everyone involved. The negligent party and insurance company put an end to a […]

Most Common Types of Car Accidents

Every day, millions of Americans climb behind the wheel or into the passenger side of their car to commute to work, run errands, or embark on adventures. And while driving is an inherent part of our daily modern lives, accidents still happen. From fender benders to intersection t-bones, the road can be dangerous and unpredictable, […]