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Steps You Should Take After a Kentucky Bus Crash

bus crash

Most people are aware of what happens with general car accidents. But what happens when a bus driver crashes and causes an accident?

Though bus accidents aren’t often discussed, they happen more often than you think, especially during the school year. But bus accidents don’t just happen with school buses, they can include metro buses, tour buses, charter buses, shuttle service buses, and travel buses like Greyhound.

When a bus driver crashes and causes an accident, the resulting damage and injuries can be much more severe than with other types of accidents. This is in large part due to the size and weight of buses, but also the fact that they transport a higher number of passengers.

The aftermath of a bus crash can be devastating, leaving victims scared, in shock, overwhelmed, and seriously injured. As such, it’s important to take certain steps after a bus accident to protect yourself and be put in the best position to recover compensation that can help you pay for your medical expenses and other losses.

If you or a loved one are involved in a Kentucky bus crash and need help filing a claim, our Central Kentucky accident lawyers at McCoy & Sparks can help. We’ll fight hard to protect your rights and ensure you win the fair settlement you deserve for all that you have suffered.

How Often Do Buses Crash?

The exact number of bus crashes each year is hard to determine, as the FMCSA combines bus accident totals with large truck accidents. But in 2020, they reported nearly 5,000 fatal crashes involving buses and trucks, and those numbers are likely much higher for bus accidents that involved injuries but no fatalities.

In Kentucky, the 2020-2021 Annual Bus Incident report showed 380 bus accidents for all Kentucky school districts, with the majority of these accidents occurring between buses and other motor vehicles. However, there were also a high number of school bus accidents involving only the school bus and a fixed object.

Of course, these numbers only show school bus accidents, so again, the numbers are likely much higher if the state were to also take into account other types of bus accidents.

How to Survive a Bus Crash

There is no direct answer for how to survive a bus crash. Bus crashes can be very traumatic and put multiple lives at risk. And in some cases, no matter what you do, fatalities may still occur.

Still, the steps you take after a Kentucky bus crash can increase your chances of survival and help you get the emergency care you need.

1. Stay Calm

The first thing you should do is stay still and stay calm after a bus accident. Poor decisions are often made when people panic and start moving about before assessing the situation.

The first thing you should try to do is breathe, calm yourself down, and look around you to assess the damage and the overall situation. In some cases, moving around the bus could make things worse, so it might be best to stay still until help arrives.

However, if staying on the bus seems like it will put your life at risk, then try to find a way to exit and get yourself to safety. Most buses have emergency exits, either at the back or even through the top of the bus if the front door of the bus is not an option. You might even be able to get out through one of the windows.

2. Tend to Your Injuries and Call 911

Once you are in a somewhat safe and stable area, whether that is still on the bus or the side of the road, you should address your injuries and call 911.

If your injuries are severe and life-threatening, it is best to stay still and wait for emergency medical responders to arrive. Moving when you have severe injuries could make them worse.

If your injuries are minor, you can attempt to move or help administer first aid to others around you that may be injured. But do not do so if it puts your own life at risk. Your health and wellbeing should be your number one priority.

3. Collect Evidence

If possible, gathering evidence at the scene of the bus crash can help when you eventually file a personal injury claim. This can include photos of the accident scene as a whole, close-up shots of damage and injuries, or even video footage of the accident and the surrounding circumstances. The more proof you can gather to show what happened, the better, as this will help support your claim.

4. Talk to Witnesses

If any witnesses saw what happened, you can also try to talk to them and get their contact information. Bus accidents are often chaotic, and if you were on the bus when the accident happened, you might not have seen everything that happened leading up to the accident, but others with an outside perspective might have. These witnesses can be useful in case there are any disputes about what happened and who was at fault for the accident.

5. Keep Detailed Records

After the accident, make sure you keep detailed records and copies of any medical documents related to the treatment of your injuries. Anything that is related to the accident and what you have to go through after the accident can serve as evidence to help you build a strong case to support your injury claim.

This includes doctor or hospital visits, medical bills, physical therapy sessions, vehicle repairs or loss of personal property, and any other out-of-pocket expenses. The more information you have to show how the accident has affected your life, the more likely you are to get the full and fair settlement you deserve.

6. Contact a Kentucky Bus Crash Lawyer

After the bus crash has been reported and your injuries have been addressed by a medical professional, you should get in touch with a lawyer who has experience handling Kentucky bus crash cases.

Bus accident cases are often complex. On top of dealing with your injuries, there are likely multiple other people and parties involved, which can make things a bit chaotic and overwhelming.

With a lawyer on your side, you can focus on rest and recovery while they handle the complex legal issues for you. They can help gather evidence, deal with paperwork, handle communications with the other parties, and ensure you are awarded the compensation you need to cover your losses.

An experienced lawyer can even take your case to court if a lawsuit is necessary to win the settlement you need.

Trust McCoy & Sparks—Premier Bus Crash Attorneys in Central Kentucky

If you or a loved one are injured in a Kentucky bus crash, one of our accident attorneys can help. We understand how traumatizing and potentially tragic a bus crash can be and are dedicated to helping our clients get the full and fair settlement they deserve for the damages they have suffered.

Make the right call to (844) 4KY-WINS for a risk-free consultation with one of our Kentucky bus crash attorneys today.