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Annoyed by Tailgaters? It Can Also Be Very Dangerous!

Car accident

There’s nothing more annoying trying to focus while someone is riding close enough behind you that you can see their facial features. Following too closely is not only discourteous, but it is also an aggressive driving habit that endangers everyone on the road. It is one of the most common causes of accidents and road-rage.

In Kentucky, courteous and defensive driving habits are necessary for operating a vehicle. Failure to follow traffic laws concerning speed and following distance increases the risk of rear-ending collision, which can result in severe injury or death — especially at highway speeds.

Why Do People Tailgate?

It’s easy to make assumptions about why the person behind you follows too closely when you are the vehicle in front. We often assume that people drive aggressively because they have no regard for others or are in a hurry. In most instances, stoplights, intersections, and speed controls generally set the pace for traffic regardless of how quickly drivers try to make it from point A to point B. Tailgating is as pointless as it is dangerous.

However, we are all humans, and sometimes emotions get the best of us while we are on the road. Some common reasons behind tailgating include:

  • Being late for work or other appointments
  • Incidents with family members or co-workers that made them upset before getting behind the wheel
  • Attempting to get the car forward to move over because they are moving too slowly
  • Slipstreaming to reduce wind resistance and save fuel (not as common)

Regardless of the reason behind the tailgating, the possible results are all the same — frustration from the driver in front, increased impatience, and less time to react to conditions..

How Can You Avoid Tailgating Others?

Everyone is guilty of tailgating from time to time. It could be for any of the reasons mentioned above, or it could just stem from carelessness. However, no excuse is valid when it comes to tailgating. We all need to drive cautiously and courteously when on the road. Two standard rules to follow to avoid tailgating include the car-length rule and the two-second rule.

  • The Car Length Rule: To follow the car length rule, you need to allow one car length between you and the car in front of you for every ten mph you are traveling. For example, if you drive at 40 mph, four car lengths should be between vehicles.
  • The Two-Second Rule: The two-second rule states that you should always have two seconds of distance between you and the vehicle ahead. To implement this rule into your driving, pick out a point that isn’t moving on the road ahead of you (it’s easiest to choose something that crosses the road like a shadow or change in the pavement). Then, you count the time it takes you to travel over the same point as the car in front of you.

When implementing these rules into your driving, always remember that they give you a minimal level of safety when following behind another vehicle. It is more than appropriate to allow more car lengths or extra time between cars because the more distance you keep, the more time you will have to react if something happens.

How Do You Determine Fault in a Tailgating Accident?

Kentucky drivers who follow too closely may be determined at fault if they are involved in an accident. Following too closely is a form of negligent driving, and if these negligent actions cause an accident, the tailgating driver will be held responsible for the wreck. This means that any injuries or damage caused by the accident will fall on the negligent driver and their insurance company.

Following too closely is a traffic violation in Kentucky, meaning tailgating drivers can incur administrative penalties. Kentucky operates on a driver’s point system. After incurring 12 points, drivers must attend a hearing to determine their driving status, which could result in a probation period or suspension of driving privileges. Tailgating is a 4 point offense against the driver’s record, meaning three following too closely infractions could result in a probationary period.

Choose a Premier Tailgating Accident Attorney in Kentucky

If you or someone you love was the victim of an accident that resulted from tailgating, you need the experience of a reputable car accident attorney on your side. Fighting insurance companies or taking your case to court independently is a complicated and arduous task. Instead, choose someone with car accident knowledge and experience to get you the compensation you are entitled to.

Contact McCoy & Sparks today to learn how we can win you the compensation you deserve from your recent tailgating accident. Our team of personal injury attorneys has the experience and know-how to take on insurance companies to get you the most for your accident. Contact us today for a free consultation at 1-844-4KY-WINS or fill out our online form. If you prefer an in-person consultation, stop by our offices at 212 W. Stephen Foster Ave. in Bardstown, Kentucky