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U Turn Accident: Who’s At Fault?

u turn accident whos at fault

What you’ll learn from this article:

  • The dangers of U-turns.
  • Negligence in determining fault in U-turn accidents.
  • The added dangers of semi-truck U-turns.
  • The types of compensation available to someone in a U Turn Accident.

Making a U-turn while driving poses substantial risks for any type of vehicle. Due to limited visibility, the potential for blocking traffic, and cutting across lanes, drivers are often advised to avoid attempting this dangerous maneuver. However, some motorists disregard these warnings, jeopardizing safety on the roadways. When a collision occurs because of an improper U-turn, determining liability is crucial for injury victims seeking fair compensation.

This article examines common causes of U-turn accidents, rules of fault and negligence, and how to hold responsible parties accountable after a crash. With the proper legal guidance, those harmed by negligent U-turning drivers can recover damages and bring about safer driving practices.

Dangers of U-Turns

All types of vehicles face enhanced risks when making U-turns that require extra precautions. Some key hazards include:

  • Limited visibility: Vehicles have blind spots, especially to the rear and sides. U-turns greatly exacerbate visibility issues for drivers.
  • Blocking lanes: To maneuver and change direction, vehicles often block multiple lanes during a U-turn, increasing the odds of a collision. 
  • Cutting across traffic: Vehicles must cut across oncoming lanes of traffic when making a U turn on a road, raising the chances of a crash.

Because of these inherent hazards, most drivers are taught to avoid U-turns whenever possible. While U turns in residential districts are legal, they should only be made when necessary and safe.

U Turn Accident: Who’s at Fault? Determining Liability After U-Turn Crashes  

When a motorist causes an accident by making an unnecessary and reckless U-turn, they will likely bear primary fault under negligence claims. The key elements for negligence after a U-turn crash include:

  • Duty of care: Drivers must operate with reasonable caution to avoid harming others on the road. Making needless U-turns breaches this duty.
  • Breach of duty: Attempting unsafe U-turns without necessity is a breach of a driver’s duty. 
  • Causation: The hazardous U-turn must directly cause the accident and resulting injuries or damages.
  • Damages: Injuries to other motorists and passengers, plus property damage like totaled vehicles.

Multiple parties may share liability depending on specifics. For example, a construction company could be negligent if their improperly placed signage contributed to a driver making a dangerous U-turn. Comparative negligence may apply if other drivers were speeding or distracted. But the U-turning driver typically shoulders the primary fault.

Added Dangers of Semi-Truck U-Turns

truck drivers u turn accidents

Making U-turns in large trucks is an extremely risky maneuver due to limited visibility, lack of lighting and markings, and potential for blocking traffic. Most trucking companies prohibit U-turns because of the dangers. Truck drivers who make negligent U-turns can be held liable for any resulting accidents, as can trucking companies that fail to have clear no U-turn policies and training.

Accidents caused by truckers making unsafe U-turns almost always result in the trucker being at fault. Other potentially liable parties in truck U-turn accidents include the trucking company, vehicle owner, or cargo loader depending on the specific circumstances. Experienced car accident attorneys recommend seeking legal counsel if you are involved in an accident caused by a truck’s improper U-turn, as multiple parties may share liability.

Gathering Evidence to Prove Liability

Strong evidence is key to proving liability against a negligent U-turning driver. Steps to take include:

  • Calling the police: Ensure police document the scene, take statements, interview witnesses, etc.
  • Pictures and videos: Photograph property damage, injuries, skid marks, and other valuable crash evidence.   
  • Preserving records: Keep police reports, medical records, insurer documents, and all other relevant materials.
  • Traffic camera footage: Check for any traffic cameras that may have captured footage of the collision and conditions.
  • Vehicle inspection: An expert can inspect for any mechanical failures that may have contributed.

A qualified attorney can thoroughly investigate the accident to build the strongest liability case against the negligent parties.   

Pursuing Fair Compensation  

Once fault is established, an experienced attorney can demand full compensation for all crash-related costs, including:

  • Medical bills from hospitalization, surgery, therapy, medication, and more
  • Lost income due to missed work time
  • Repair or replacement costs for a damaged vehicle 
  • Pain and suffering, mental anguish, and reduced quality of life

Consult McCoy & Sparks: Kentucky Car Accident Attorneys

Never hesitate to consult an attorney who can help maximize your rightful compensation if a driver’s negligent U-turn causes serious injuries or property damage. If you are wondering after a U turn accident who’s at fault, McCoy & Sparks can hold the at-fault parties fully accountable.

Recognized as one of Central Kentucky’s best law firms, McCoy & Sparks represents thousands of clients in Central Kentucky. You owe us nothing unless we win your case. Contact us or call us at (844) 4KY-WINS for a risk-free consultation with one of our car accident attorneys today.