What Happens When a Car Accident Is Due to a Medical Condition in Kentucky?

When you are injured in an accident, the negligent driver is typically the one held liable and their insurance company is responsible for awarding damages to the injured party. But what happens when a person’s medical condition causes an accident?  This is a controversial topic because some believe that a person should not be charged […]

Delayed Injury Symptoms After a Car Accident

Injuries from a car accident are not always immediate. In fact, it is not uncommon for their to be delayed injury symptoms 24 to 48 hours following a car accident. In this blog, we discuss some of the most common injuries that typically have delayed pain and symptoms, as well as the reasons why these […]

Post-Accident Surveillance and Your Personal Injury Claim

If you have made a personal injury claim as a result of a car accident, a slip and fall accident, product liability, or any other dangerous incident, you will find yourself dealing with an insurance company that may be reluctant to fully compensate you for your suffering. Insurance companies don’t make their profits by being […]

Car Seat Concerns and Side Impact Crashes

What you’ll learn reading this article: Using a car seat reduces the risk of a child’s injury in a car accident by up to 82% according to the CDC. That’s why all 50 states require the use of car seats for infants and children up to a certain age and weight. Still, car crashes remain […]

How Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me If I’m in a Distracted Driving Crash?

Distracted driving causes thousands of injury auto accidents each year in Central Kentucky and hundreds of fatalities on local roads. Your best protection against injury or death is defensive driving – and knowing your rights under the law. We’ve all seen scenarios like this when driving the roads of Nelson County: The motorist driving near […]