How Does Kentucky’s Strict Liability Rule for Dog Bites Work?

It used to be that dogs and their owners would be allowed one “free” bite before being found liable. This so-called “one-bite rule” was popularized because an owner could claim, “How would I know if my dog was dangerous until their first attack?” The problem with the one-bite rule, however, was that even though no […]

What Types of Injuries Fall Under the “Personal Injury” Category?

Summary: Personal injury cases happen when someone is injured as a result of someone else’s carelessness or mistake. This includes, for example, car accidents, slip and falls, dog bites, medical malpractice, defamation, and more and can result in life-altering injuries like spinal cord injuries, head and brain trauma, workplace accidents, broken bones, and others. Ninety-two […]

Legal Consequences of Dog Bites in Kentucky

What you’ll learn reading this article: Dog owners are held strictly liable for their pet’s behavior in Kentucky. Criminal charges do occur in some dog bite cases. An injured victim can start a civil action to recover compensation. When it comes to dogs, Kentucky is a strict liability state. This means there are almost no […]

COVID-19 in Kentucky: Citizen Delivery Drivers at Risk for Dog Bites

What you’ll learn reading this article: The coronavirus pandemic has increased the use of home delivery services. Citizen delivery drivers are at risk of dog bites. Know the signs of aggressive dogs and what to do after an attack. There’s a new breed of dog bite victims: citizen delivery drivers. They’re the hardworking people who […]

What to Do If a Dog Bites a Child

Kentucky has strict laws for holding dog owners responsible for bites and other injuries. Did you know that Kentucky has some of the strictest dog bite laws in the country? In fact, a nationwide study showed that while only 6 percent of all U.S. fatal dog attacks resulted in meaningful criminal charges for the owners, […]