What Questions Should I Ask a Kentucky Personal Injury Lawyer?

After you’ve been in a car accident in Kentucky, there are many things you will need to do to ensure your personal injury claim goes as smoothly as possible. You will need to make sure a police report is filed for the accident, you will need to file the claim with your insurance company, and […]

Most Common Winter Injuries Due to Property Negligence

Winter is here, and although this season is full of enjoyable festivities, it’s also a time in which many people suffer from serious personal injuries. The winter months are a time for dangerous hazards, including slick roads and walking areas, which can cause devastating slip-and-fall accidents.  Avoiding slips and falls in winter is critical because […]

Premises Liability During Winter Months

Anyone can become injured on someone else’s property for various reasons any time of year. However, the winter months put both property owners and their visitors at an increased risk of having to deal with an injury due to snow, sleet, and ice which can cause someone to slip and fall both indoors and outdoors. […]

Slip and Fall Accident at a Grocery Store. Who’s Liable?

Most grocery stores are operated by owners and workers who take pride in their cleanliness and safety. They know that revenue is generated when customers trust their surroundings enough to shop there. Sometimes, of course, accidents happen. A customer may drop a jar of spaghetti sauce, or an errant grape may be trodden into a […]

Seeking Damages for Emergency Room Fall Injuries

An emergency room is somewhere people go in the worst and most vulnerable moments of their lives. They hope to be healed and rescued — oftentimes, saved. Unfortunately, mistakes can happen in these environments and the stakes are high. Although you would think an emergency room would be the very safest place for you, ironically, […]