Back Hurt After a Car Accident? Our Kentucky Back Injury Attorneys Can Help.

What you’ll learn from this article: Back injuries are some of the most common health challenges people face after car accidents. You might have a back injury that’s so severe it needs emergency surgery or you might experience radiating pain that slowly develops in the days or weeks after the accident. During this challenging time, […]

What Is Duty of Care in a Personal Injury Case?

If you suffer from a personal injury due to another person’s negligence or deliberate harm, you need to file a claim or lawsuit against them to recover compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other injury-related damages.  To prove that another person or party is liable for your injuries, you need to first establish […]

Is Hydroplaning an At Fault Accident?

Hydroplaning is a serious danger posed to Kentucky drivers during rainy and inclement weather. Especially common in the first ten minutes of light rainfall because the rain mixes with oil residue on roads, hydroplaning occurs when roads become slick and difficult to navigate. Additionally, the accumulation of water on the road can cause a vehicle […]

How Do You Prove a Soft Tissue Injury After a Car Accident in Kentucky?

When you are injured in an accident in Kentucky, you can file a claim with your own no-fault insurance to recover compensation. You may even be able to file a claim against another party, such as another driver, so long as they are the one responsible for the accident and your injuries.  However, in either […]

Factors that Contribute to Holiday Distracted Driving

The Holidays are in full swing — and while this generally means it’s a time of joy and giving, there can also be some downsides to the season as well. In particular, the holiday season often brings an increase in congestion. The stores are crowded, the parking lots are overflowing, and the roadways are congested, […]

How to Prove Distracted Driving in a Kentucky Auto Accident

What you’ll learn from this article: What is distracted driving? It might seem innocent enough to take your eyes off the road for a moment while you check your phone or talk to someone in the car. But at 55 mph, just a few seconds of inattention is like driving the length of a football […]

What is Accident Reconstruction, and Does it Help?

When car accidents occur, it’s not uncommon for there to be multiple different stories about what happened. Unfortunately, your car accident claim could be negatively affected without accurate knowledge of what happened.  When you file a claim after a Kentucky car accident to recover compensation for your injuries and other damages, your attorney and others […]

Leg Injuries and Car Accidents

Driver Knowledge estimates over six million passenger car accidents occur in the United States annually. From those accidents, about three million people in the US suffer an injury, with ⅔ of those individuals being left with a permanent or life-altering injury.  While these car accidents can cause serious injuries and can impact any place in […]