How Do You Prove a Soft Tissue Injury After a Car Accident in Kentucky?

When you are injured in an accident in Kentucky, you can file a claim with your own no-fault insurance to recover compensation. You may even be able to file a claim against another party, such as another driver, so long as they are the one responsible for the accident and your injuries.  However, in either […]

Factors that Contribute to Holiday Distracted Driving

The Holidays are in full swing — and while this generally means it’s a time of joy and giving, there can also be some downsides to the season as well. In particular, the holiday season often brings an increase in congestion. The stores are crowded, the parking lots are overflowing, and the roadways are congested, […]

How to Prove Distracted Driving in a Kentucky Auto Accident

What you’ll learn from this article: What is distracted driving? It might seem innocent enough to take your eyes off the road for a moment while you check your phone or talk to someone in the car. But at 55 mph, just a few seconds of inattention is like driving the length of a football […]

How to Get a Car Accident Police Report in Kentucky

Car accidents can be scary and overwhelming. As a result of the initial shock and trauma in the moments that follow an accident, it’s not uncommon for victims to make mistakes that can negatively affect their car accident claim.  For example, some people will avoid calling the police because they don’t want to make the […]

What is Accident Reconstruction, and Does it Help?

When car accidents occur, it’s not uncommon for there to be multiple different stories about what happened. Unfortunately, your car accident claim could be negatively affected without accurate knowledge of what happened.  When you file a claim after a Kentucky car accident to recover compensation for your injuries and other damages, your attorney and others […]

Can a Mechanic Be Held Liable For a Car Accident Caused By Mechanical Failure?

Mechanical failures can cause devastating traffic accidents, leading to serious or even fatal injuries. Although mechanical failures are often caused by drivers who fail to maintain their vehicles, a mechanic can be partially or fully liable for an accident if they breached their duty of care to a client when servicing their vehicle. If your […]

Were You Injured in an Amazon Delivery Truck Accident? Here’s What You Need to Know.

Amazon delivery trucks are becoming increasingly common in both Kentucky and the rest of the United States. Although Amazon is convenient for obtaining necessary goods, its delivery trucks pose a threat to others on the road.  Delivery truck drivers are expected to deliver hundreds of packages a day, and their workloads are only increasing. With […]

Can I get a Settlement for PTSD After a Car Accident?

Not all injuries from a car accident are physical. Car accident survivors can also deal with challenging mental health conditions after the accident, including PTSD. As one of Central Kentucky’s premiere car accident firms, we hear these questions a lot: Can PTSD be included in my claim? How much of a settlement can I get […]