Who Pays for Your Personal Injury After a Kentucky Uber Accident?

What you’ll learn reading this article: Uber accidents are more complicated than regular car accidents. Rideshare companies often try to avoid taking responsibility but injured people still have options. A Kentucky Uber accident lawyer can help you pursue the compensation you deserve under the law. Ridesharing is one of the best ways to take short […]

Summer Driving Hazards You Should Keep in Mind When on the Road

When you think of dangerous driving seasons, you wouldn’t be alone if the winter months are what come to mind. Most people assume winter, with its cold weather, snow, and ice is the most dangerous time to be on the road. After all, it’s not uncommon to venture out on the road for a much-needed […]

Is a Tire Blowout an At-Fault Accident?

Anyone who has driven on an interstate or highway has likely seen the aftermath of a tire blowout. Accompanied by tire skid marks and pieces of rubber laying on the side of the road, accidents caused by tire blowouts can be serious and even deadly. If you’ve ever driven in wet or icy road conditions […]

Can the Black Box in a Car be Used to Prove Fault for a Crash?

Many people are familiar with the black box on planes that records information from flight computers and cockpit audio. In the unfortunate event of a crash, the data from these black boxes is used to aid investigators in determining what caused the accident. What many people fail to realize, however, is that many newer cars […]

Can I Sue a Driver Who Caused an Accident While Eating and Driving?

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. While texting and driving tends to be the focus of this month or any other discussions about distracted driving, there are many other ways that a driver can become distracted while operating a vehicle. An accident while eating and drinking and driving is also common. Here are a […]

What Qualifies as a Permanent Injury in Kentucky?

There are many unknowns in the event of a personal injury case. Car accidents, slip and falls, and other traumatic events causing personal injury may have lingering side effects. In a worst-case scenario, victims may even suffer from their accidental injuries for a lifetime. In Kentucky, accident victims may have the right to extended compensation […]

Who Is Liable if Winter Weather Causes an Accident on a Kentucky Highway?

Winter weather may bring beautiful snow, but it also increases the chance of traffic accidents. When snow and other inclement weather create slippery road conditions, drivers must increase caution and practice safe defensive driving to prevent accidents. However, collisions still increase when the weather gets colder. A rise in winter accidents also creates more police […]

Someone Pulled Out In Front of Me. Am I Liable?

Experiencing a car accident can be a disorienting and confusing experience. The confusion is even greater when you’re unsure who’s at fault. One type of vehicular accident that often raises questions of liability is when someone pulls out in front of an oncoming car, resulting in a wreck. A common narrative is that the driver […]