Leading Causes of Motorcycle Crashes in Kentucky

Motorcycles are both a convenient mode of transportation and an enjoyable hobby for Kentucky residents. However, despite the joys they can bring, motorcycles are also inherently dangerous—more than other kinds of vehicles. For this reason, motorcycle riders must take extra precautions to keep themselves and their passengers safe to avoid motorcycle crashes in Kentucky. Motorcyclists […]

Is Lane Splitting Legal in Kentucky?

For many, riding a motorcycle is highly enjoyable and preferable to other modes of transportation. Some even pick up motorcycle riding as a hobby by joining motorcycle enthusiast groups and partaking in social rides. There are even many benefits to riding a motorcycle, such as saving on gas, finding easier parking, and maneuvering through traffic […]

Left Turns and Motorcycle Accidents

Along with all the power, freedom, and love of the open road experienced by motorcyclists, there also comes danger. Motorcyclists are more vulnerable than car occupants in accidents simply because they are not surrounded by metal and fiberglass frames, reinforced roofs, or airbags. Unfortunately, they are also at risk from other vehicle drivers’ mistakes. According […]

Common Causes of Kentucky Motorcycle Accidents

While everyone on the road faces some of the same problems when it comes to accident-causing behaviors or events, motorcyclists also encounter some unique challenges not faced by drivers in cars and trucks. Due to the distinct differences between a motorcycle and other vehicles, motorcyclists also tend to face more severe injuries when involved in […]

How Failure to Follow Kentucky Helmet Laws Can Affect Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

In the state of Kentucky, those under 21 years of age and those who have had a motorcycle license for under a year are required to wear a helmet by law to comply with the Kentucky helmet laws. However, all individuals who ride motorcycles–as drivers or passengers–should consider the many risks associated with a lack […]

Avoiding Spring Motorcycle Accidents

What you’ll learn reading this article: Kentucky motorcycle accidents are on the rise, especially during warm months. It’s important to follow motorcycle safety guidelines. After a motorcycle accident, you can file a lawsuit. There’s nothing quite like roaring across Kentucky’s beautiful country roads on a motorcycle. But a day out on the bike can quickly […]

What Is Classified as a Catastrophic Injury in Kentucky?

When it comes to personal injuries, the severity of the injury can range from minor to catastrophic depending on the accident and circumstances. While minor injuries can be inconvenient, the sufferer is often able to heal and return to their normal life after a reasonable amount of time. Catastrophic injuries, however, are so severe that […]

Why Facebook Can Damage Your Kentucky Auto Collision Injury Lawsuit

Summary: Social media can be extremely damaging to an auto injury case, so don’t share anything about your crash and talk to your lawyer about how to handle your existing online profiles. Did you know social media could ruin your chances of getting money for your auto accident injuries? You might be tempted to share […]

Top 10 Personal Injury FAQs

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident caused by the negligence of another person, you may be overwhelmed with questions about where to turn and what to do next. Who is responsible for your medical expenses? What about lost wages due to your injury? Is there any hope of being […]