What is The Kentucky Personal Injury Statute of Limitations?

While the Kentucky personal injury statute of limitations for most personal injury claims in Kentucky is one year from the date of the injury, there are many exceptions to this rule. Understanding just how the statute of limitations works is essential to seeking compensation for your Kentucky personal injury. Breaking Down the Statute of Limitations […]

What Types of Injuries Fall Under the “Personal Injury” Category?

Summary: Personal injury cases happen when someone is injured as a result of someone else’s carelessness or mistake. This includes, for example, car accidents, slip and falls, dog bites, medical malpractice, defamation, and more and can result in life-altering injuries like spinal cord injuries, head and brain trauma, workplace accidents, broken bones, and others. Ninety-two […]

I’ve Been Hurt in a Slip-and-Fall Accident: How Do I Get Compensation?

When it comes slip and fall accidents, getting the compensation you deserve is no laughing matter. Choose a proven Central Kentucky personal injury attorney that can prove liability in the case of a life changing accident. It’s popular in old movie comedies – everyone laughs when someone slips on a banana peel and goes sprawling. But […]