What Is an Independent Medical Examination In a Personal Injury Claim?

If you plan on filing a claim for an injury you sustained in a car accident, from a slip and fall, dog bite, or another personal injury, you need to be aware of the independent medical examination process. Personal injury claims frequently involve independent medical examinations, especially if the case goes to court.  These examinations […]

Post-Accident Surveillance and Your Personal Injury Claim

If you have made a personal injury claim as a result of a car accident, a slip and fall accident, product liability, or any other dangerous incident, you will find yourself dealing with an insurance company that may be reluctant to fully compensate you for your suffering. Insurance companies don’t make their profits by being […]

What You Need to Know About Winter Slip and Fall Accidents

The winter months in Kentucky can be incredibly dangerous for both motorists and pedestrians. Slick roads, sidewalks, entrances, driveways, and other surfaces pose a serious threat to walkers. Although some people associate slip and falls with minor injuries, they can lead to serious injuries such as back injuries, brain or head injuries, and paralysis. Slip […]

Slip and Fall Accident at a Grocery Store. Who’s Liable?

Most grocery stores are operated by owners and workers who take pride in their cleanliness and safety. They know that revenue is generated when customers trust their surroundings enough to shop there. Sometimes, of course, accidents happen. A customer may drop a jar of spaghetti sauce, or an errant grape may be trodden into a […]

Proving a Kentucky Slip and Fall Case

Have you, or someone you know, been the victim of a Slip and Fall accident in Kentucky? According to Premise Liability Law, every property owner must ensure that their property is maintained and repaired to prevent any dangerous conditions, including, but not limited to, ice, holes, and standing water. Despite these regulations, many owners do […]

Top Summer Injuries to Avoid

I’ve Been Injured This Summer. What Are My Options? Scorching temperatures and longer days; summer is officially here.  While things look a little different this year, many families will still take road trips to vacation destinations, and we’re seeing a major increase in Americans spending time in the great outdoors during the pandemic. Road trips, […]

Seeking Damages for Emergency Room Fall Injuries

An emergency room is somewhere people go in the worst and most vulnerable moments of their lives. They hope to be healed and rescued — oftentimes, saved. Unfortunately, mistakes can happen in these environments and the stakes are high. Although you would think an emergency room would be the very safest place for you, ironically, […]

What Is Classified as a Catastrophic Injury in Kentucky?

When it comes to personal injuries, the severity of the injury can range from minor to catastrophic depending on the accident and circumstances. While minor injuries can be inconvenient, the sufferer is often able to heal and return to their normal life after a reasonable amount of time. Catastrophic injuries, however, are so severe that […]

Top 10 Personal Injury FAQs

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident caused by the negligence of another person, you may be overwhelmed with questions about where to turn and what to do next. Who is responsible for your medical expenses? What about lost wages due to your injury? Is there any hope of being […]