Holding The Trucking Company Responsible for A Runaway Trailer Accident

Trucking accidents can be quite devastating. These large commercial vehicles can weigh up to 80,000 lbs when carrying heavy cargo. Unfortunately, passenger vehicle occupants are the ones who are most often injured and even killed in these types of accidents due to the smaller size of passenger cars in comparison to large semi-trucks. Injured victims […]

What Is a Jackknife Truck Accident?

Summary: Jackknife truck accidents happen when a semi-truck or tractor-trailer loses control and the trailer pushes from behind until it spins the tractor around. It leaves the semi-truck looking like a folded pocket knife. . Here’s a diagram from Wikipedia: A jackknifed truck is very dangerous. This type of accident causes thousands of fatalities across […]

How to Report Bad Truck Drivers and Why

You’re driving on I-65 to Louisville to visit your son or daughter at university when you notice a semi-truck ahead of you weaving back and forth over the lane divider. He keeps it up for several miles and is clearly either distracted, having a medical emergency, under the influence, or falling asleep. What do you […]

What Is Classified as a Catastrophic Injury in Kentucky?

When it comes to personal injuries, the severity of the injury can range from minor to catastrophic depending on the accident and circumstances. While minor injuries can be inconvenient, the sufferer is often able to heal and return to their normal life after a reasonable amount of time. Catastrophic injuries, however, are so severe that […]

Why Facebook Can Damage Your Kentucky Auto Collision Injury Lawsuit

Summary: Social media can be extremely damaging to an auto injury case, so don’t share anything about your crash and talk to your lawyer about how to handle your existing online profiles. Did you know social media could ruin your chances of getting money for your auto accident injuries? You might be tempted to share […]

10 Things to Do After a Kentucky Semi-truck Accident During COVID-19

What you’ll learn reading this article: Semi-trucks are still on the roads during COVID-19. If you’re in a truck crash, you’ll need these 10 important tips. It’s your right to hire an experienced attorney and get the compensation you deserve. A virus can’t stop a speeding truck. During the COVID-19 pandemic, semi-trucks are still rolling […]

Inexperienced Drivers Are Likely To Cause Accidents

Summary: Inexperienced drivers are likely to cause a higher risk of crashes, especially considering licensure changes from COVID-19. In a personal injury case, the other driver’s inexperience may bolster your claim of injury due to negligence. New drivers are some of the most dangerous drivers on the road. Their inexperience makes them prone to critical […]

What is The Kentucky Personal Injury Statute of Limitations?

While the Kentucky personal injury statute of limitations for most personal injury claims in Kentucky is one year from the date of the injury, there are many exceptions to this rule. Understanding just how the statute of limitations works is essential to seeking compensation for your Kentucky personal injury. Breaking Down the Statute of Limitations […]

I’ve Been Injured by a Semi in a Crash – How Can An Attorney Help?

Big-rig accidents are five times more likely to cause serious injuries and death than accidents involving passenger vehicles. Tractor-trailers are heavy, really heavy – they weigh between 16,000 and 20,000 pounds. A car, SUV, motorcycle or pickup truck is going to be the loser in any collision. Tractor-trailers – semis, 18-wheelers, big rigs, whatever you […]